After Care Instructions
After care is very important in order to achieve a beautiful and lasting result.
• Water or any other liquids cannot come in contact with the affected area for 7 days after any PMU brow service, even a small drop will expand a wound and a scab will appear.
• No heavy workouts for 7 days. Avoid sweating.
• Avoid long, hot showers for the first 10 days.
• Do not use any other ointments, or creams with vitamins or antibiotics on brows other than what your tattoo artist has given you.
• No sunbathing, or tanning for 4 weeks.
• No chemical peels, mesotherapy, dermabrasion, Botox or any other intense treatments for 4 weeks.
• Do not use any makeup on affected area until the final scab falls off.
• Do not scratch, touch or sleep on your brows for at least 2 weeks. Do your best to sleep on your back.
• Avoid Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline during your healing period. Anything with a petroleum base can cause a reaction, crusting, scabbing and sweating so the skin is not able to breathe.
• If an adverse reaction or infection develops at the site of your tattoo, contact your physician for treatment and report to SNHD Special Programs at (702) 759- 0677
What’s normal?
Mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light bruising, dry tightness: Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare balm is nice for scabbing and tightness.
Too dark and slightly uneven appearance: After 2-7 days the darkness will fade and once swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears. If they are too dark or still a bit uneven after 4 weeks then we will make adjustments during the touch up appointment.
Color change or color loss: As the procedure area heals the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. This can all be addressed during the touch up appointment and is why the touch up is necessary. The procedure area has to be completely healed before we can address any concerns. This takes about four to 6 weeks.
Healing Process and Touch-Up:
If you keep your brows clean and dry, only a thin film (not a scab) will appear after 4-7 days. It will peel off itself in 7-14 days (do NOT peel it off). After the film peels off you can still feel some dryness, you can continue to apply the aftercare ointment until the dryness subsides. Be careful with any cleaning in the affected area. The full healing period is 28-45 days.
If there is any contact with water, sebum or sweat, the wound will expand and cause a scab. The scab will result in itching and peeling of the pigment. If you scratch the scab, a scar or white spot can appear and no pigment will be left.
A touch up may be needed 6 months to 3 years after the touch up procedure depending on your skin, medications and sun exposure. We recommend the touch up 5-6 weeks after the first session and every 6 months to 3 years to keep them looking fresh and beautiful. There will be a charge for any touch up sessions after 5-6 weeks
Failure to follow after care instructions may result in infections, pigment loss or discoloration. Everyone’s skin heals differently. It is important to remember that this is a two-part process and the second touch-up will complete the procedure. Not everyone, but some people will need a touch-up to fill in missing hairs, make hairs longer or achieve a more intensive color. After you have fully healed, you will see the finished result. Please be patient and don’t panic.